Michael E. Ratliff

1309 Haybrook Drive 

Gahanna, Ohio 43230 

(937) 554-7249 



An accomplished Computer Engineer with a Masters degree and experience specializing in application development. Extensive experience in software design processes, architecture, and application quality control. Strong expertise in creating web-based J2EE applications.


Strong experience in Groovy, Javascript, and Bash

Experience in Java, Rust, Perl, Lisp, Python, OpenGL, C, and Visual Basic

Tools and Technologies

Apache, Node, HTTP, TCP/IP, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JSON, Eclipse, SSL/TLS, Git, Docker, JUnit, JMeter, Grails, Ember, Google Cloud, Android, Linux, Unix,  and microcontroller platforms


Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Postgres, SQLite, Access, and Excel


Agile, Scrum (Scrum.org Certified Professional Scrum Master)


SPIDA Software, Gahanna, Ohio

Senior DevSecOps Engineer (October 2013 - Present )

J.P.Morgan, Columbus, Ohio

Application Developer Lead (February 2011 - October 2013)

Application Developer (March 2007 - February 2011)

LexisNexis, Miamisburg, Ohio

Software Developer and Tester (August 2004 - March 2007) 


The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio        June 2005

Master of Science Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, specialization in Artificial Intelligence


The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio        June 2003

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science  


SPIDAcee (July 2017)

Created a system capable of scaling thousands of pole analysis jobs across hundreds of instances on Google Cloud.  

Technologies Used: Node, Docker, Java, Ember, Google Cloud

Pole Replacement Deadline Rules Engine (February 2014)

Created a system to determine deadlines for pole replacement.  Distilled a set of complex pole replacement schedules into a set of rules.  Created a rules engine to execute those rules.

Technologies Used: Groovy, Oracle, Postgres

RMB Fund Integration (May 2013)

Worked with client representatives in Hong Kong to integrate a Chinese transfer agent with J.P.Morgan’s money market fund trading platform in order to allow clients to place trades on Chinese funds.

Technologies Used:  Java, Struts, iBatis, TLS, Sybase

Client Portfolio Analytics (January 2013)

Created a web-based analytics platform for our money market trading platform.  This allows clients to analyze their fund holdings using interactive charts and graphs.

Technologies Used:  Java, Javascript, CSS, iBatis, Struts, Highcharts, AJAX, JSON, Sybase

TexSTAR/LOGIC (July 2012)

Created a rebranded version of our trading platform for 2 Texas-based funds.  For this project, we took over after a failed 9 month project by another firm.  We were able to deliver in only 4 months a platform that exceeded the clients expectations.

Technologies Used: Java, Javascript, CSS, iBatis, Struts, AJAX, JSON, Sybase

Email Trade Confirmations (March 2012)

Created an enhancement allowing clients to receive an email when a trade has been placed on their account.

Technologies Used: Java, SMTP, Javascript, iBatis, Struts, AJAX, Sybase

Marketing Site Integration (August 2010)

Integrated our money market fund trading platform with the marketing site for those funds.  This allowed clients to seamlessly switch back and forth between placing trades and viewing marketing materials and prospectuses.

Technologies Used: Java, Javascript, CSS, AJAX

Cross-sell CRM (January 2009)

Created a CRM application that integrated data from 3 separate lines of business in order to display one unified view of a client relationship.

Technologies Used: JSR 168 Portlets, Java, Javascript, CSS, iBatis, Sybase, Oracle

Online Statements (July 2008)

Integrated 2 online statement providers for US and International statements with J.P.Morgan’s money market fund trading platform.  This allowed users to retrieve past statements online and removed a huge workload from the client services team who had previously been faxing these statements to clients.  Received J.P.Morgan’s Silver TORCH award for this project.

Technologies Used: Java, iBatis, Struts, XML, Webservices, Sybase

Dual-entry Trading (August 2007)

Enhanced a trading platform with dual-entry trade capability.  This added another layer of security requiring one user to enter a trade and a second user to confirm the trade before it the trade was submitted.

Technologies Used: Java, iBatis, Struts, Sybase

Test Tracker (March 2005)

Created a fat-client application used to assign tests to users, track test completion, and generate reports showing test progress.

Technologies Used: Visual Basic, Access, Excel


Online Mandelbrot viewer

This was something I made to explore web workers.  It creates a Mandelbrot fractal by doing the heavy computation in a webworker so that the UI stays responsive during the computation.


Javascript CPU Emulator of the Notch’s DCPU16

(Fake CPU designed for a game that never happened)


Visualization of the Dragon Curve


Visualization of the Collatz Conjecture


April Fools Day Prank


Scripts for configuring a my development environment quickly on any machine


CLI clone of 2048 written in Rust


Mandelbrot generator written in Rust


Joke twitter clone with a 3 character limit
